Emotional Intelligence builds bridges between the thoughts, emotions, and actions of a person. If your child’s emotional intelligence is adequate, they can handle difficult situations with ease. In addition, they can solve complex problems and control their emotions when dealing with others in social settings.
However, nurturing emotional intelligence is not as easy as you might think. It takes a lot of effort on your part as a parent as well as an educator. You have to be patient and understand that you can’t expect immediate results from your child. That is why you need to search and find ways to develop your children’s emotional intelligence.
Mindfulness activities for children are a good way to help them develop emotional intelligence. It teaches them to become more aware of their feelings and thoughts and be more centered in the present moment. Also, it helps children develop the skill that can help them to cope with difficult moments in their lives while at the same time learning to improve their relationship with themselves. More than just being beneficial to them, Mindfulness Activities for children are also useful in increasing focus and concentration.
10 Mindfulness Activities for Kids To Build Emotional Intelligence
1. Breath Observation

This mindfulness activity teaches children to become aware of their breathing. This mindfulness exercise helps children to focus on the present rather than drifting off into their ruminating thoughts. You can do this activity with your child by asking them to create an image in their minds. Then instruct them to close their eyes and notice how they are breathing. It will help them stay in the present moment while also helping them in experiencing positive emotions like joy, wonder, and curiosity.
2. Create Mantras

A mantra is a special word or phrase that you can create with your child to help them become more mindful. It can be a positive phrase or words that they can repeat when in a difficult situation. Your child needs to learn to mindfully observe their feelings and thoughts without getting caught up in negative feelings like anger, guilt, and hate. Create a mantra with your child. Ask them to think of a problem or a difficulty that they are facing at school or home. Then help them develop a mantra to help them center themselves and take control of their thoughts and emotions. You can tell your kids phrases like “I am doing my best, I am ok, and I can handle this” or “I am safe, I am loved.”
3. Listening Mindfully

It helps children develop their listening skills while also increasing their focus and concentration. Also, it will help them in understanding others better. Instruct your child to become more aware of the other person’s sound while talking with them. They can do this by watching their facial expressions, body language, and posture while listening to the other person talk. The more they pay attention in this way, the better they will listen to other people.
4. Dinnertime Rituals

Sit down for dinner with your children every night. This mindfulness activity encourages your child to eat slowly while savoring each bite of their food. It also teaches them to become more aware of their emotions, thoughts, and feelings. At the same time, it will help them in controlling their impulses. You can do this activity by creating a short ritual that you will follow at mealtimes every night, like lighting a candle or reading a positive quote before you eat. This ritual will help your child to feel calmer and centered at dinner.
5. Acknowledge Different Emotions

This activity will help your child become more aware of how they feel so they can look at it and process it healthily. First, instruct your child on how to acknowledge their emotions and understand what they are feeling. Do this by asking them to list down the different ways that they feel, like happy, sad, excited, and annoyed. Then ask your child to talk about how their emotions make them feel. For example, if they are sad, ask them how it makes them feel inside. It will help your children understand what they are feeling and how to handle these emotions in a productive way.
6. Listening Walks

This mindfulness activity will encourage your child to take more time to listen to what is happening around them during their day-to-day activities like walking, biking, or driving. It will help them develop compassion and empathy for others by becoming more aware of their feelings and thoughts about what they see around them. It will also help them in increasing their focus and concentration.
7. Show Gratitude

Showing gratitude will help your child develop positive behavior and resiliency. It will also help them in becoming more aware of their own emotions and thoughts. So, every day, ask your child to go to their room and write down at least three things they are grateful for. The more they focus on what they are grateful for, the better able they will be in overcoming the struggles that life throws at them.
8. Play Games

It is excellent for children who have difficulty sitting still. It will help your child develop self-control by keeping them focused on the present moment while being active. You can play various games that stimulate their thinking and emotions, like imagination games, mind puzzles, and brain teasers. It is also important that your child has fun and is able to enjoy themselves.
9. Creating a Mindfulness List

Mindfulness activities are excellent because they give your child the opportunity to practice being mindful so they can have more control over their emotions and thoughts. Start by having your child write down all the things about them that they can’t control. Next, help them identify the challenges and issues that will return in their lives throughout the week. And create a list of these challenges with their coping strategies.
10. Sleep Ritual

Your child needs to get enough sleep. But they need to sleep in a peaceful environment so they can be confident enough not to fall asleep in the middle of the night. This mindfulness activity will help your child with getting their rest. It will help them by taking some time out for themselves every day. Sit down with your child and tell them about their week during their bedtime routine. Then, spend five minutes singing together, playing music, or telling stories while laying in bed together.
If you want to build emotional intelligence in your kids, then start practicing mindfulness now! These mindfulness activities help children become more mindful, self-confident, self-aware, and aware of the challenges and problems they may encounter in their lives. They will also learn how to deal with them in a productive way so they can experience the benefits of living a happier and more fulfilling life.