Reasons Why Children Should Have Chores and The Best Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

age appropriate chores

Many people these days are choosing to have their children do chores. It may seem just a trend, but there are several good reasons it’s worth trying out. As many do their job for rewards, those kids do their chores to get out of doing it the following day. However, there are more benefits to being on a chore rotation than just being able to delay them.

Parents will find that doing chores has a number of benefits for their children that go beyond the obvious ones. 

Benefits of Having Kids Do Chores

Chores are in children’s best interests. Here are some of the benefits that are found when your child begins to do tasks:

1. Increased Responsibility and Independence

Parents are always stressing the importance of their children learning to take care of themselves. Doing chores is the surest way to allow them to do just that. They’ll understand what responsibilities and independence mean. No longer will they be able to get by on doing nothing when there are chores to do. With this newfound sense of responsibility, they won’t feel like they have to depend on others for their needs to be taken care of either.

2. Improves Self-Esteem

Chores do a great job of boosting a child’s self-esteem. They’re performing their task, but they’re also learning to set and meet goals. This begins to give them a feeling of pride in what they’ve accomplished, which is something that can serve them for years. This also gives them confidence that they can do anything if they put their minds to it and work hard.

3. Helps to Learn How to Be Responsible

responsible child

Kids can develop a sense of responsibility by doing chores given to them. As they begin to understand what it means, they can better take on the roles once given to them. They’ll also be able to identify when others aren’t taking part very seriously and how not doing so can lead to problems in the home.

4. Can Help Them Understand That Age Is No Excuse

Children also learn that a person’s age is not an excuse for being irresponsible. Although they are young, they can still do the same things that the adults in the home can do. They’ll also learn that they’re not necessarily entitled to special privileges because of their age. Doing chores is what allows them to understand this concept fully.

5. Helps to Better Prepare Them for the Future

As children do chores, they become familiar with the different tasks involved in running a household smoothly. They’ll learn how to take care of themselves and learn how everyone else takes care of their responsibilities. The more they’re exposed to this when they’re young, the easier it will be for them to deal with their own homes when they get older.

6. It Teaches Teamwork and How to Be a Team Player

Chores help children learn how to work as a team. They’ll discover that it takes more than one person to make things happen, that there are chores for everyone, and that teamwork is essential in making things run smoothly. This type of training comes in handy when they get older and have to take on jobs at school or when they get their jobs.

7. Improves Planning and Time Management Skills

age appropriate chores

Kids learn to be responsible for themselves, but they also learn to plan for the future, which leads to good time management skills. They’ll have time to work on their chores and still accomplish other tasks around their homes.

8. Provides an Opportunity for Family Bonding

Chores are done most often as a family. Kids will learn how to work with their siblings to complete tasks and how important those bonds are. This type of family bonding is essential for the overall growth of all the home members.

9. Provides Plenty of Good Memories

Setting up chore rotations for your kids can be very beneficial for you as parents, but not only because you’ll be getting a break from doing everything yourself. The memories you’ll be creating together will also be great. The memories will last a lifetime, so make sure you take the time to do it right.

10. Create a Sense of Enjoyment

Of course, one of the best benefits of having your children do chores is that it’s fun. It will give them a sense of accomplishment when they complete their tasks and responsibility when they help around the house. It’ll also make them feel good about themselves when they realize that they can manage tasks on their own and have time for themselves at the same time.

Children’s Age Appropriate Chores

There are many age appropriate chores for kids. There are things that all children, no matter the age, should be able to help out with around their homes, but the other ones will most likely depend on their age and ability.

There are a few things that children of every age should be able to do by themselves. These are the best age appropriate chores for kids.

Ages 2-3 

children folding clothes
  • Put dirty clothes in the laundry hamper.
  • Collect their toys and put them back in the toy box.
  • Throw trash away
  • Fold washcloths
  • Prepare the table 
  • Fetch diapers and wipes
  • Stack books on the shelf
  • Carry firewood

Ages 4-5 

  • Feed pets
  • Put away toys
  • Water houseplants
  • Make the bed
  • Clear kitchen table
  • Sort clean silverware
  • Dry and put away dishes
  • Disinfect doorknobs
  • Straighten bedroom
  • Wipe up spills
  • Prepare simple snacks

Ages 6-7 

children mapping the floor
  • Dust map floors
  • Empty dishwasher
  • Weed garden
  • Rake leaves
  • Fold towels
  • Gather trash
  • Match clean socks
  • Peel potatoes or carrots
  • Replace toilet paper roll

Ages 8-9 

  • Wash laundry
  • Load dishwasher
  • Walk dogs
  • Bake cookies
  • Scramble eggs
  • Dust furniture
  • Sweep porches
  • Wipe off the table
  • Hang/fold clean clothes
  • Put groceries away
  • Change light bulbs
  • Spray off patio

Ages 10-11 

children preparing meals
  • Prepare a simple meal
  • Clean countertops
  • Sweep out the garage
  • Vacuum rugs
  • Bring in mail
  • Mow lawn
  • Deep clean kitchen
  • Clean bathrooms

Ages 12 and above

  • Iron clothes
  • Wash windows
  • Bake bread or cake
  • Paint walls
  • Wash/ vacuum car
  • Watch younger siblings
  • Trim hedges
  • Do simple home repairs
  • Change overhead lights
  • Mop floors
  • Shop for groceries with a list
  • Cook complete dinner 

Remember that children are usually ready for chores at a specific age. Don’t push them to do something they’re unwilling or unable to do until they reach that stage.

Tips for Setting Up a Home Chore Rotation

Setting up a home chore rotation is easier than it sounds. Here are some tips to help you get the job done right:

assigning chores to children

1. Keep in mind that not everyone will be able to fit in a chore rotation at once.

It’s much easier to keep things moving along if you break up the rotation into smaller blocks so that no one has to do everything at once. 

The goal is for everyone to have a chance to do their chores, but that will not always be the case. So, look for ways that your child can help out with the chore rotation, and you will have more success with this task.

2. Discuss with everyone in the home – including children – what they can and cannot do.

Ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them and what they can still do. Do not push your child to do something that they’re unwilling or unable to do.

3. Create a fun chore rotation for them.

Create a fun chore rotation that involves more than just doing the chore itself. 

-Involve your child in creating their chore rotation by brainstorming ideas with them on what you can add to the process so that everyone has an idea of what to include in their cycle regularly. 

-Give them the freedom to add in different items than you would like them to include, and they will pick up on this discipline independently.

4. Create a chore rotation schedule that works for everyone.

Create a chore rotation schedule that works for everyone, whether it’s an every-day rotation or a rotating schedule with specific days of the week dedicated to certain chores around the home that everyone does together.

5. Make sure you set a time limit for each child.

Make sure that you set a time limit and stick to it, but also ensure that they do not take too long with their chores. 

6. Make sure you reward your child for their hard work.

It’s now time to reward your child for their hard work and dedication to doing their chores at home. 

If necessary, set up a reward system for them to follow so that they know how important their work is and how much you appreciate it when they do it. 

This will encourage them to keep up the good work because they will be able to reap some of the benefits of being responsible.

Chore Pitfalls to Avoid

chore pitfalls to avoid

1. Don’t strive for perfection: Approach your child regarding chores positively and encouragingly. It is essential to teach your child from an early age that doing a task is not about perfection but about learning and trying new ways to do it.

2. Don’t rush: It’s much easier to supervise children who take their time with their chores rather than having them do everything in a short timeframe. Make sure to give them the time they need to complete their job because rushing the task can make them annoyed doing it.

3. Don’t nag: Don’t nag your child while doing chores. This can make them feel like they are being pushed to do it, which can sometimes cause them to rebel against it.

4. Don’t bribe them: Don’t bribe your child with gifts, money, or treats after they do their chores successfully. This can cause them to be lazy and not do the task.

5. Don’t make a chore a power struggle: If your child resists doing a task, don’t make it a power struggle. This can usually lead to an argument and the work not being complete.

Final Thoughts

Children should be encouraged to help around the house from a young age. They should see their parents doing chores without being told they have to, so they can learn how essential it is to look after your family. 

Have difficulty with your child trying to make their way around the home? They want to help but are not sure what they can do? They want to help, but it’s not the right time yet?

Don’t worry! Montessori Academy understands that sometimes children are just not ready. 

Parenting is all about ensuring your child is safe and happy at home. If a child does not know what it is like to help with their chores. They are probably too young for the task. 

We believe that it is essential to teach children how to take responsibility and go through the steps necessary to keep their homes clean and the way that they want. 

Let us help you teach your child about household chores at a Montessori Academy.


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