Potty training is the most exciting time for a child, but it can be an absolute nightmare for parents. It’s difficult to know what to expect, and a lot of people worry that it will take forever, but don’t panic! With the right tips and tricks on how to potty train boys, you can make the process easier and more pain-free.
In this article, you will find the great tips and tricks on how to potty train boys that have worked for thousands of parents all over the world. Have fun reading and, most importantly, take action!
Why Potty Training?
Potty training is the best way to take care of toddlers during the day. It’s a messy business, but it’s so worth it.
When a toddler is potty trained, they are more likely to be able to hold their bladder and bowel movements. In addition, properly trained toddlers will be less likely to soil their bedsheets and clothes.
But the most important thing about potty training is that it makes for a happier parent because potty training takes some time away from all the messiness.
When Is the Best Time to Begin Potty Training?

The first important step in this process is identifying your little one’s readiness signs. It’s important not to rush the process. So if your little one is not showing signs of readiness, you shouldn’t rush the potty training or force it.
According to experts, children are ready to toilet train between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. That’s quite a range! The typical age at which children begin the process is 27 months.
Your little one may be ready for potty training when:
- He can walk to and sit on your toilet
- He is aware of his bladder and bowel movements.
- He can communicate that he needs to use the potty
- He can calm himself when trying to hold his bladder or bowels.
- He can pull their pants down and up.
- He has the self-control to avoid having an accident when eager to use the toilet.
Watch for other signs that indicate your toddler is ready, such as refusing to wear a diaper or having just one bowel movement per day.
The development of readiness skills in boys is slightly delayed in comparison with girls. For instance, on average, girls can go the night without having a bowel movement by 22 months, according to American Family Physician. Toddler boys tend to develop this skill by 25 months.
On average, girls become able to pull up and down their underwear by 29.5 months of age. On the other hand, boys typically develop this skill by 33.5 months.
However, these are just averages and don’t reflect individual results.
How Long Will It Take a Child to Be Fully Potty Trained?

You may be wondering how long it takes to potty train a toddler. The average age at which children are fully trained is around 4 years old.
When you’re looking for them to be toilet trained, the younger your child is, the more difficult the process will be. As I said before, toddlers are an unpredictable bunch, especially little boys.
An 18-month-old boy who is completely ready for potty training will likely complete his potty training process in just one year. On the other hand, an 18-month-old boy who isn’t ready for potty training might need two years to achieve this goal. So keep this in mind when you start your toilet training journey!
How to Potty Train Boys?
Now that you know the best time to begin potty training and how long it might take let’s discuss this whole process. I’m going to show you a step-by-step guide on how to potty train boys. Let’s get started!
1. Let Your Boy Watch and Learn
Children learn by imitation. If you want your young child to be able to potty train successfully, he should watch how you do things. So the first step in learning to potty train boys is to show them how it’s done.
The best way to accomplish this is just by showing him what you do every day. Take your boy with you when you use the bathroom and let him watch while you go. Also, let him watch other kids on their toilet while going (this might be tricky!).
Children are less likely to learn something new if they don’t see others doing it first. And since child development occurs through watching others, we have an obligation as parents to provide them with this opportunity.
2. Collect All Required Supplies

Whenever you’re about to begin potty training a toddler, you should make sure that you have all the supplies and accessories needed before you even begin.
Potty training can be an exciting event for your child, but it’s also a lot of work. I know you want to get stuck in and start the process, but it is important that you make sure all the equipment and supplies are ready before he starts.
Read through this list and make sure everything is ready before your little one begins:
- Your child will need a potty chair or potty seat. You can buy one online, at the store, or make your own out of a plastic bucket.
- A step stool is also helpful for reaching the toilet safely.
- Buy toilet paper to use when your child is sitting on the toilet in case he has an accident.
- Wipes are also helpful for cleaning off any residue from poop when changing diapers as well as during training time when accidents occur (which they will). Don’t forget to stock up on disinfectant spray too!
- Diapers are great if your little one still needs them while learning how to use the toilet properly, but try finding some pull-ups instead if possible—they’re much easier on kids’ bodies since they don’t rub against their skin like traditional diapers do!
- Underwear with elastic waistbands is important because it won’t fall off easily while learning to go pee/poop in toilets properly. However, avoid tight-fitting underwear because it might cause chafing around the genitals, leading to infection down there.
3. Set A Start Date And Get Started
Now that you know what you’re in for, it’s time to set a start date. Don’t wait until the last minute. You won’t be fully prepared, your child will be more stressed out and possibly resistant to learning, and it will take longer than if you had started earlier.
Consider your schedule. When is a good time for everyone in your family? Are you trying to potty train during summer vacation or Thanksgiving weekend? Will there be other demands on your time that week? If so, try planning for another day when everyone has more free time on their hands.
Other helpful tips for starting
1. Let everyone know when the potty training is going to start. Everyone in your family should be on board.
2. Talk about how it’s going to work with your child. It makes the process less stressful for both of you.
3. Encourage your kid to use the toilet when he wakes up, after meals, and before sleep. You should schedule potty breaks to help him get into a good routine.
4. Keep a close watch on your toddler; he may give you cues like crossing his legs or jumping that he needs to go.
5. Always use the most positive words about the toilet and potty. Try to associate these lovely terms with good things, like “potty,” “pee,” and “poop” instead of using some of the more negative words like “place” or “potty seat.”
6. You should ask your child to sit on the potty and point his penis down to allow urine to flow into the toilet.
7. A practice urinal is an alternative if you prefer. You should encourage your child to aim the urine into the potty to avoid spraying on the floors.
8. Maintain good hygiene. Make sure he wipes well after going to the bathroom. He should also wash his hands afterward.
4. Taking The Show On The Road

The more often a child is exposed to the concept of using the toilet, the better his chances of successfully transitioning.
Take your child out with you, even if you only need to run errands for an hour or so. You can use this time as an opportunity to practice and reinforce potty training at home.
If possible, use a travel seat; these are lightweight devices that attach right onto most toilets in public restrooms and offer kids a safe place to sit and learn how to use the bathroom. If there isn’t one available, try taking a portable potty chair instead (you may have already tried this at home).
5. Work On Standing
It is vital to teaching your son how to stand. You can do this in various ways, such as having the child stand up when peeing or lifting him up while urinating. You should also train your child on how to aim in the toilet bowl and clean himself after using the bathroom. Urinals are ideal for helping boys learn about standing and aiming when peeing as it allows them more control over their bodily functions.
Here are some tips for teaching your little one to pee standing up:
- Allow him to grasp the “far end” of his penis while he pees into the toilet.
- To reduce the range, have him stand near the toilet. This simplifies aiming.
6. Discard The Diapers
When your child has been successfully going on the potty for weeks, you may try switching to underwear full time. Involve kids in the process by making it more fun. Allow them to pick out new underwear to wear and have them help you buy at least one pack.
Of course, you don’t necessarily discard all diapers. You will likely still need those for naps and nighttime — at least for a while.
7. Praise When Success Occurs. No Scolding If It Doesn’t

Astoundingly, some parents still scold their children for wetting or soiling their diapers when they are potty training. This is like kicking yourself in the head for not remembering to breathe! Your job is to play cheerleader, not drill sergeant.
Remember no yelling or scolding — just lots of praise! Your child is going through a major milestone, and you want to encourage him every step of the way.
Kids often feel more confident with themselves and you when they haven’t been the object of criticism or scorn.
8. Repetition Leads To Mastery
Don’t be surprised if your child doesn’t master this skill right away. It will take time, patience, and consistency. He may not fully “master” it right away, but he will notice an improvement by the day.
- It helps if you model the proper technique — remember that it’s up to you to guide him through every aspect of training. So be sure to practice using the toilet every day too!
- Remember that potty training takes time and persistence, so don’t make rash decisions about targeting a certain date. Keep practicing and stick with it!
Final Thoughts
Potty training is a journey, not an event. It requires patience, commitment, and consistency for your child to overcome his developmental issues. Help him learn how to stand, aim and perform bladder control. Teach him about toilet training by taking your child with you wherever you go, including bathroom trips to stores and restaurants. Encourage your son to practice on the toilet at home or outside the house. Reward hard work with praise and encouragement when he does well; scolding will only cause him anxiety, leading to failure in the long run.
We at Montessori Academy are with you on your journey to teach your child to attain toilet training efficiently and successfully. Please do not hesitate to call us at (310) 215 -3388 or email us at info@montessori-academy.com if you have any concerns about how to help your child become fully trained in this aspect of development.